Sunday 13 March 2011

Looking back at the Atrium piece..

My final piece for my Atrium i have finally, i have added some leaf like forms. I like the extra the leaf shape cuts add, as it is more relatable to the theme of trees. 

Saturday 12 March 2011

experimenting with photography for my poster

These photos i took using a nikon d60 camera using a white back drop and lighting. These pictures make the piece really stand out and now i need to choose three photos to take forward to my poster for GF Smith paper.

Monday 7 March 2011

Researching Type 
This is the site i started my type research on. These four examples are examples of type i think is appropriate for the brand, how it is easily readable and understandable.

The above is an example of Museo Slab. It is bold and strong yet simple.

The above is a sample of Calluna. I like the simplicity but i don't think it is as strong as the other types.

The above is Sansation. It is not as bold as Museo Slab but flows more and might be softer on the poster.

The above is Chunk Five. Like in the name it is chunky, it will get the information across but may be too commanding over the image.

Poster layout

When designing my poster i need to choose a particular layout. Here are 3 possibilities;

Quite a simple layout design, on an easy to navigate, understandable poster. Maybe a little boring at a first glance.

This idea involves a poster with the full image of my model on, and also the type 100 years of G. F Smith paper. On the next layer which with the 3rd layer will be of tracing paper, will have a section taken of the same model, and a section more of type. Then followed on the 3rd layer will be more of the image and more type. I like this idea as it is complex and inventive yet i feel it may be making the poster a little too complicated than it needs to be.

This poster works on 2 layers the back layer being just the image, maybe blurred of faded out and then the writing being the main focus of the page placed in the centre.

Saturday 5 March 2011

Previous posters by G F Smith

G F Smith posters are always bright and eye catching, showing how intense and detailed paper can be. Here are a few example of the work that they have shown;

G F Smith - research for poster design

information taken from the site; 

GFSmith have been trading as specialty paper merchants from their warehousing and manufacturing base in Hull, East Yorkshire for over 100 years. 

GFSmith source, develop & manufacture some of the most unusual papers for the Graphics and Printing Industries, promoting ne
w papers for a wide range of applications.

These range from simple business cards, to letterheads, folders, promotional brochures, report & accounts, greetings cards & packaging. Indeed wherever there is a need for paper there is a need for GFSmith.

Research into other artists working with paper and nature.

These paper sculptures based on nature are done by jen stark who is a contemporary artist, who uses coloured paper for paper sculptures, he bases them on fractals, worm holes and other microscopic patterns in nature. The reason this artist stood out to me and he works with a very repetitive method that creates something so beautiful and intricate drawing the eye in.